+380 95 281 1822

Moving from Surviving to Thriving in Uncertain Times

Master your Mind, to Move from Stress, Burnout & Anxiety to a Life of Inspiration, Balance & Meaning


In this 21st century VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Changing, Ambiguous) world, which we live in today, majority of us may be increasingly feeling overwhelmed & operating from a space of fear, anxiety & “Survival”.

This is not surprising considering that the world around us is changing today at an unprecedented pace and in unexpected ways. The capacity of most individuals & businesses, at the same time, to deal with that change effectively is not changing at the same pace. Pandemic-related chaos, layoffs & salary cuts, political unrest, mergers & sale-outs, financial uncertainties, illness & death among family & friends, these are all just few of the many crises which are fueling the feeling of overwhelm, fear, and taking us deeper & deeper into the “Survival” Mode.

The real & perceived risks & uncertainties in life & at work now have exponentially increased. And with these risks, we enter unfamiliar territory. Every time, we put ourselves in the world in a new way, we experience fear.

Very often this fear keeps us from moving ahead with our lives and bringing our best potential in our workplace.

Eventually it is our mindset that dictates our actions and our life-approach. It is this mindset which also helps us moving from a space of “Surviving” to a Space of “Thriving”.

“You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great”
- Les Brown

What will you learn :

Gain basic understanding of the Neuroscience of Fear & Survival Emotions
Learn to unpack Fear.
Understand how Positive Intelligence concepts can help in moving from Survival Emotions to Positive Emotions
Develop the Sage Perspective.
Train your mind to move from “Pain” to “Power”.
Learn how to choose “Love” & “Trust” over “Fear”.
Learn how to use the “No-Lose” Model to guide all our Decisions.
Build the Self-Command mental muscle.
Learn to convert “Post Traumatic Stress” to “Post Traumatic Growth”.
Embark on a life-long journey, full of continuous growth.
How to best build a culture of Psychological Safety & Fearless Action in teams and organizations.

Partner with us to achieve Meaningful & Exponential Growth

Call us today to setup a Free Discovery Call

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