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Mental/Emotional Fitness & PQ Coaching © 

10X Your Professional Impact & Happiness in Life, While Discovering your True Purpose


Research has shown that only 20% of Teams and Individuals achieve their Full Potential.

Despite the tremendous amount of information, self-help & personal development opportunities/literature available to us, most individuals & executives fail to make sustainable changes in key areas of growth/competencies over time. Sometimes, even when change is achieved, it does not sustain and individuals revert back to old habits.

There are several limitations as described below :

They focus on insight rather than muscle

They treat symptoms rather than cause

They do not provide a simple & common operating system

Positive Intelligence (PQ) is the New Age Skill, which can help in addressing the challenges of Traditional Coaching/Training

Building PQ is critical for Sustainable Behavioral Change.

PQ is the best predictor of how happy we are and how well we perform relative to our potential.

PQ is a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science Research included:

Hundreds of CEOs

Sales, operations, and technology teams

Stanford students

Elite athletes

400,000 participants

What can you expect

In today’s uncertain & dynamic world, full of stressers & uncertainties, we often get hijacked by stress & negative emotions, which cause most of our physical & emotional suffering.

Positive Intelligence (PQ) Coaching is a unique Program that combines Mental Fitness Training + Coaching.

PQ Coaching helps in building the 3 Core Mental Muscles & Neural Frameworks that constitute the core of Mental Fitness & are at the root of improving our capacity to bring about sustainable change and get the power to master our mind/thought patterns.

PQ Mobile App

Currently our PQ Coaching Package also includes Built-In access to a path-breaking PQ Mobile App and a Program to build Positive Intelligence in 6 weeks.

What will you learn

Ability to Intercept Saboteur Thought Patterns & Negative Energy Spiral :

Build Sage Muscle & Positive Thought Patterns :

Saboteur thought patterns generate all negative emotions, including stress, anxiety, self-doubt, anger, avoidance, procrastination, insensitivity or discontent. With Positive Intelligence, you can develop the required Mental Ability & Fitness to intercept the Saboteurs thought patterns in the moment.

Positive Intelligence (PQ) research shows that there are 5 primary Sage powers:
Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, and Activate. With Positive Intelligence Coaching, you learn how to boost all 5 powers and know when to use which power.

Build the Self-Command Muscle :

The reason why most of conventional training, coaching or self-development initiatives don’t lead to sustainable change is because they do not teach us on how to build self-command over our own minds. If you were in command, you would choose to entirely silence the Saboteurs in your head. You would choose to not stress out over what you can’t control, push away self-doubts, recover from disappointments immediately, and spend little time in anger, regret, or blame.

We train you in using simple techniques called PQ Reps, which are innovative 10-second exercises which build up this crucial Self-Command muscle in the brain. You learn to master your mind, rather than allow your Saboteur-hijacked mind to run you.

"A Coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who helps you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you always known you could be”
- Tom Landry

Who this is for

Positive Intelligence (PQ) concepts are important to learn for all those who are :

Executives, Leaders or Individuals

Looking for a science-based and practical framework

Committed to improving their performance and effectiveness

Willing to put in the initial effort

© 2022 Copyrights – Positive Intelligence, LLC. All rights reserved. No reproduction, in any form, printed or electronic, is permitted without prior written permission from Positive Intelligence, LLC. POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE and PQ COACH are trademarks of Positive Intelligence, LLC

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