+380 95 281 1822

Deep Discovery Coaching

Re-wire Your Mind & Thought Process To Transform Your Life


Neuroscience research has now shown that more than 90% of our daily thoughts are repetitive and automatic. They are driven by automatic mental thought patterns, that are wired in our sub-conscious minds like automated programs. These programs are triggered by deep-seated beliefs that have got entrenched in our sub-conscious minds through our childhood and formative experiences

Most of our current day issues, challenges and obstacles are driven by  these automated thought patterns that lead us to having similar feelings and to using similar strategies of actions & behaviors. Since the root causes of most of our life challenges are these deep-seated beliefs, understanding them & becoming deeply aware of them is critical to making a sustainable change in any area of life where we face a challenge or obstacle.

The Deep-Discovery Coaching program can thus help you get in touch with your Deep-seated Self-Limiting Beliefs & Thought patterns which may be coming in the way of you achieving your full potential & purpose

What can you expect

In the Deep-Discovery Coaching process, we deep-dive into your life journey and help you discover deep-seated thought & emotional patterns as well as self-limiting beliefs.

Further connecting these thought patterns & beliefs to various tools, concepts & insights in Positive Intelligence, Neuroscience & Psychology, clients can get a powerful understanding of how they can overcome the Self-Limiting Beliefs which may be hitherto coming in the way of their achieving their full potential.

What will you learn

Using Positive Intelligence Mind Training & other techniques based on Positive Psychology, Self-Affirmations  Mindfulness , you get a framework to create new, powerful narratives that can help with you get transformational change in life.

You will get the benefit of :

Learning Positive Intelligence frameworks & techniques, which are crucial to Re-Wiring the Brain

Re-writing New Beliefs/ Narratives on top of them

Erasing old Beliefs/Narratives (that are no longer serving you) , and

Learning Simple Meditation & Mindfulness building techniques that help in building Mental Fitness

Who this is for

Anyone wanting to make a Sustainable Change in their Life or Career using a methodology that’s deeply transformational and insightful

Partner with us to achieve Meaningful & Exponential Growth

Schedule a Free Discovery Call Today

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