To support the Ukrainian cause & the Ukrainian people, who are undergoing enormous psychological & emotional upheaval due to the war , a group of PQ Coaches have come together & formed the “Humanitarian PQ Coaches Community”. The Community currently has 36 wonderful & generous PQ Coaches who have volunteered their time for this initiative (The Community includes Rajeev Nayak who is a PQ Coach in Ukraine & who was featured in the May edition of the PQ Newsletter; See the interview at this link ).
Members of the Humanitarian PQ Coaches community are united by their passion & desire to support those facing & dealing with humanitarian crises around the world. We came together in response to the Ukraine Crisis & our belief that the Gift of Positive Intelligence can help those in need in Ukraine. In the future, we believe this initiative can be extended to other places, around the world, where people are faced by severe adversity & crises.
Right now, we are trying to help Ukrainian refugees, as well as First Responding Care Providers, like Host Families, volunteers, refugee aid/NGO workers & social workers, who have opened their hearts & homes for Ukrainian refugees, by introducing them to PQ. We see that these care providers who are supporting the Ukrainian refugees are themselves also experiencing significant levels of overwhelm & hence can benefit immensely with the PQ work we do.
The community has already started working towards its mission, has formed committees, structures & is now working towards setting up its first PQ Awareness creation event.