The objective of this initiative is to directly impact the Most Vulnerable Ukrainian Families, from Mariopol, Kharkiv, Donbas & Chernihiv regions (regions which have been affected the most by the war) , who need urgent & direct financial support. Together with a group of International Coaches, we are trying to connect International Donors who are interested in making Direct financial donations to the most Vulnerable families which Rajeev & his friends personally know.

Family: Oksana Oleinik, 37, daughter Sofia Oleinik (18)and son Ivan Oleinik, (11)
From: Mariupol, Ukraine
Current Location : Plön, Germany
Their Story: All of Oksana’s relatives, her parents, husband, mother-in-law and friends were in Mariopol at the time of the invasion.
On March 17, her husband died due to shelling. On March 23 – her best friend and friend’s husband were killed. They left two children. Oksana somehow managed to move out of Mariopol with her children & has fled to Germany
Family: Anna Khokhlova and son (4)
From: Mariupol
Location now: Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Their Story: Anna is a single mother. She lived with her son & mother in Mariopol. For 28 days of the war, Anna lived & hid in their house basements, while the city of Mariopol was completely beseiged.
During the heavy shelling that ensued in the second half of March, Anna’s house was hit by an airstrike and it was completely destroyed and burned down.
Anna managed to miraculously escape the explosion & she alongwith her son managed to flee, saving & carrying with them only their lives and a few important documents.